At a time when major changes in how we think and live are urgently needed, TES Schools challenge their students to examine our values and to choose a better way. It calls on us to search for common ground in the midst of our diversity and to embrace a new ethical vision shared by growing numbers of people in many nations and cultures throughout the world. TES also leads the drive for a better environment with a series of initiatives both within and outside its schools to promote environmental awareness and protection practices amongst its students and the local communities. Staff and students are encouraged to research and develop plans to create public awareness on ecological and environmental issues as part of the curricular programme.
All children need safe and stimulating places to interact with all the elements of the environment. In a truly enlightened community, importance is placed on the growth and development in positive ways of all the members of the community. This not only helps children meet their full potential as human beings but ensures that the community stays strong and healthy, not only, physically but, emotionally and intellectually as well. In the case of children where ‘through play’ they make sense of their constantly evolving and changing world, it becomes even more important to give them positive messages of how they are viewed in the larger community. By giving them rich and varied environments that allows them to explore their own innate potentials as individuals, and as a group, the message that they receive is one of concern and respect - a respect that is returned to the good of society by an adjusted and secure member of the society. Through various projects undertaken with academics, students are exposed to environmental issues and their own role and contribution in making the earth a better place.
A conscientious effort has been initiated right from the inception of the school to safeguard our crumbling environment by launching a program called Carbon Neutral Programme. The key objective of the Program is to establish a balance in the perishing ecological system and to become the Carbon Neutral Institute. The School has tied up with Forest College Institute, Mettupalayam for five year project to bring out concrete results. To achieve its target, we have planted nearly 150 saplings at the backyard of the school and still we are planning to plant near about 100 more saplings in the near future. Furthermore, special emphasis had been laid and the ground work had already begun in practicing vermicomposting and children are being given awareness about its wider use.